The Cupertino High School Band Boosters is the parent organization that supports band programs.
Booster volunteers play a crucial role in the operations of the band. We support the fundraising and operations of multiple programs: Marching Band & Guard, Tournament of Bands and Winter Percussion and Winter Guard.
We hope you'll find a way to be involved in our parent community.
Booster Meetings
Generally the 1st and 3rd Tuesday (mid Aug - end of Oct), then the 2nd Tuesday through May.
How You Can Help
You will have the opportunity to sign up for various volunteer positions at the August band registration. We need parent volunteer support to keep our band program running.
Tournament of Bands (“TOB”)
The annual Tournament of Bands (TOB) usually takes place on the second Saturday of October. On that day bands from other schools will join us in a day of parade and field show competitions at Cupertino High School. This event is vital to our band program because the proceeds go directly to the band program at Cupertino High School. The event is run by the Cupertino High School band parents. It is expected that at least one adult family member per band student will volunteer to support this event. Below is a sample of some of the positions.
Band Check In
Facilities Preparation
Information Table
Field Show Usher
Gate Monitor
Ticket Sales
Merchandise Sales (Pins, Programs and Blankets)
Shout Out Sales
Traffic / Band Parking
Booster Volunteer Opportunities
In addition to TOB, you will be able to sign up or learn more about other areas where we need volunteers, including:
Chaperone for Band Reviews
Hospitality / Potluck Support
Food / Meal Assistance
Concert Ticket Sales
Uniform Assistance
Truck Drivers
Finance / Bookkeeper
Public Relations
Open Board Positions
Season-long Vacant Positions (not TOB particular)
Concert Coordinator
Food and Hospitality Co Chair
Fundraising Coordinator
Equipment Truck Driver / Assistant
If you have any questions about volunteering, or want to get involved in a specific area, please contact our Band Boosters president Rick Brewster at president@chsmarchingband.org