2023 - A Memory of You

Winter Guard

Winter guard is the sport of indoor Color Guard. Modern Color Guard is a combination of the use of flags, sabers, mock rifles, and other equipment, as well as dance and other interpretive movement. Most color guards can be found in, high schools, middle schools, and some universities, but independent organizations exist as well, affiliated more with a geographical location or drum corps, rather than a school system.

For the 2024 Winter Season, Cupertino High School will be returning to compete in the local circuit, The California Color Guard Circuit (The CCGC) and Winter Guard International (WGI). 

Students in grades 10, 11 & 12, who meet the attendance and participation requirements will receive 0.5 PE credits. Freshmen are not eligible to earn PE credits for their involvement in sports.

Students do not need to join marching band to participate in Winter Guard.

Please contact cupertinocolorguarddirector@gmail.com for any questions.


Required Forms

Athletic Clearance Form - NOTE! If you already have one filled out for the 2023 Fall Marching Band Season, you are able to reuse the same copy for the Winter Guard Season. Either print a copy or request to print a copy from Mr. I.

WGI Performer Release (Minor) - This is required by Winter Guard International (WGI). If you are under the age of 18, please complete this form with a Parent/Guardian. 

WGI Performer Release (18+) - This is required by Winter Guard International (WGI). If you are 18+, no Parent/Guardian is required to be present to fill out this form. 

Private Car Travel Check - This form is for Parents/Guardians who will be transporting students To and From competitions and will be using a vehicle! This form should be printed out and turned in no later than 5:45pm on December 5th, 2023. 

Winter Guard Handbook - Please read through thr handbook with your parents. Print & Sign the last two pages. This form should be printed out and turned in no later than 5:45pm on December 5th, 2023. 


Winter Guard Forms Checklist (ALL due by Tuesday December 5th, 2023 by 5:45pm)

Winter Guard Handbook 

Company Matching Form

2024 Show Schedule

Cupertino Color Guard Youtube Channel 

The CCGC Website - This is the website for the local circuit that Cupertino HS Winter Guard will be competing in this season. 

Cupertino Color Guard Team Spirit Wear - This is the website to the Cupertino HS Color Guard Team Spirit Merch. This is not covered in the Monetary Contribution and will be an out-of-pocket expense. This is not a required purchase but encouraged!

2023-2024 Rehearsal/Competition Calendar

Cupertino Winter Guard 2023-2024 Calendar.xlsx